Rolls-Royce Motor Cars North Houston

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars North Houston FAQs

When you’re ready to purchase a new Rolls-Royce car or you’d like to order Rolls-Royce parts for your vehicle, we’re here for you at our Rolls-Royce dealership serving Austin, TX. You can count on our team to provide all the answers you need to feel confident in your purchase and our service. If you need help with something you don’t see here, please give us a call at (877) 899-6206 or get in touch online. We’ll do our utmost to assist you.


Our Inventory

Q: What should I look for when I test drive a car?

A: When you test drive a vehicle at Rolls-Royce Motor Cars North Houston, use it as an opportunity to get a feel for whether that model suits your driving style and purchasing criteria. Make note of comfort, utility, and the overall driving experience. If you’ve done your research on tech features, test them out to see if they’re easy to use.


Q: Is there a day of the month that’s best for purchasing a new car?

A: Ideal buying time truly depends on the model you’re interested in, your budget, and availability. We recommend doing your research on trends for new arrivals, keeping an eye on new models at our dealership, as well as staying aware of incentives to find an opportunity and buying time that suits you.


Service & Parts

Q: Do you offer drop-offs for service appointments?

A: We are pleased to offer a concierge package — that includes pick-ups and returns and alternate transportation — to make servicing your vehicle as easy as possible. Schedule your next appointment online at our Rolls-Royce service center


Q: How often do I need an oil change?

A: To ensure that your premium Rolls-Royce Motor Cars vehicle is running at its best, we recommend that you visit our service center for an oil change approximately every 3,000 to 7,000 miles. Consult your owner’s manual and ask one of our expert technicians for service specifics.



Q: What kind of financing services do you offer?

A: We’re proud to offer a wide range of financing programs for every budget, competitive rates, and quick approvals at our Texas car finance center. Please feel free to reach out with any questions online, in person, or by calling 888-671-2602.


Q: Do you offer assistance with vehicle trade-in appraisal?

A: Our team is on hand to assist you with valuing your trade-in. If you’d like a quick quote before sitting down with a finance team member, use our online trade appraisal tool.



Q: Are you open on Sunday?

A: We are not open on Sunday, but we do operate Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and until 5:00 p.m. on Saturday.


Q: Why should I choose your dealership?

A: We’re a Houston, Rolls-Royce dealership that is dedicated to providing our customers an attentive and top-notch experience. Our team is highly knowledgeable and passionate about the Roll-Royce Motor Cars brand and sharing that with you each and every time you walk through the doors at our dealership.


Rolls-Royce Motor Cars North Houston

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